
Norpile Ltd. is a privately owned company based in Norfolk specialising in Piling Work, including restricted access piling, Reinforced Concrete Work, including ground beams, rafts and bespoke constructions and Underpinning Work.

Norpile Ltd. provides a personal and professional service to private and commercial clients and has done so now for over 10 years. We have a wide knowledge and over 40+ year's of experience within the field of our work and can problem solve, design and complete projects effectively and economically to the complete satisfaction of our clients. We have many testimonials expressing this and appreciation for the help, advice, the high-quality work and good working relationship.

Mini Piling & Pin Piling

Piling used to support existing defective foundations or individual structures in difficult working conditions or unsuitable ground conditions. This work would normally incorporate reinforced concrete beams or pads placed underneath the existing foundation or placed to receive the structure and supported each end or where required by small diameter piles.

Ground Beams

Reinforced concrete beams placed at or around ground level designed to be the foundations for supporting the loading of buildings or structures. They can rest directly on the ground or can be supported by piles or piers if ground conditions dictate.

Rafts & Needle Rafts

Reinforced concrete slabs placed at ground floor level designed to support the loading of buildings or structures. They can rest directly on the ground or can be supported by piles if required. Needle rafts more normally used in existing buildings have projections on the edge of the slab “needles” which penetrate the existing structure to provide support.


Traditionally this would encompass mass concrete fill under the foundation of an existing building or structure to distribute the loading across a greater area or onto a stronger strata. Alternatively needle beams under the existing foundation supported by mini piles could be utilised.

Retaining Walls

Reinforced concrete or composite walls designed to withstand the horizontal loading of unequal ground levels where the height difference is such that the soil will not support itself.

Machine Bases

Reinforced concrete slabs designed to support the weight of machinery and the potential in use loading of machinery placed on them. They could be supported by piles if ground conditions dictate.

Specialist Building & Civil Engineering Work

Some or all of the above could be used in basements, lift pits, sewage treatment plants etc. constructed to the designs of others to a high degree of precision. Our design and calculation service is also available to problem solve, design and provide the documentation required to prove the suitability of the proposed work.

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